Monday, December 23, 2019

Kajii Motojiro 梶井基次郎 "Lemon" 檸檬

Image result for Kajii motojiro lemon

Warm-up questions:
1. Have you ever done something spontaneous?
2. Have you ever suffered from writer's block?
3. Do you like following popular trends 流行り or are you more interested in indie culture サブカル?

Reading Analysis Questions:

1. What is the "ominous mass 不吉な塊" that the narrator describes?

2. What things does the narrator find oppressive? What things bring him pleasure and satisfaction? Why do you think this? What does this tell us about the narrator?

3. What is the significance of the narrator placing a lemon atop books at Maruzen? Why does the do it and why is it liberating for the narrator?

4. Discuss the subjects of painting, art, and color in the story. What might they be symbols / metaphors for?

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