Monday, December 23, 2019

Mori Ogai 森鴎外 "Sansho the Steward" 山椒大夫

Image result for Mori Ogai Sansho the steward

Warm-up questions:
1. Is the law and/or authority figures (police, etc.) sometimes wrong?
2. Are people generally good 性善説? Why or why not?
3. What should we do when we confront injustice?

Reading Analysis Questions:

1. How does the story portray social hierarchies and class relations? How does this influence the character's actions and the overall plot of the story?

2. Discuss some of the main subjects and themes of the story.

3. Discuss the subject of "fate" (or "destiny" 運命) in the text. How do the characters respond to "fate"? How does this influence their actions? Why do you think they behave this way?

4. What is the significance of religion and religious objects or symbolism such as the jizo amulet? How do the characters view religion? Why do you think the text portrays religion in this way?

5. Talk about Anju's "transformation" after the dream scene. (E.g. "Anju's whole being seemed altogether changed" (16)). Why does she change? What does her transformation mean and/or what is it supposed to symbolize?

6. Talk about the ending of the story. What happens to Anju? To Zushio? What do you think about this?

7. Discuss Zushio's transformation into Masamichi. What actions does he take in his new role? Why do you think he does this?

8. Mori Ōgai rewrote this story based on a much older setsuwa tale. However, he changed some parts. How might Ōgai have changed this story and updated it to fit his current situation in Meiji?

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